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Index >> KNOWLEDGE >> Technical Support maize milling machine technical flow sheet

maize milling machine technical flow sheet

Many client asked me about the maize milling machine technical flow sheet, they want to know how the maize milling machine working, does it cleaning the maize, take the store, the iron, the thread or some other impurity out? and does the machine milling the maize with roller mill and sifting by the sifter? And which kind of final product does the machine can produce? so here I make a flow sheet for this hongdefa mill

From the photo we can see, first the maize come to the cleaning machine, like the cleaning sifter, destoner, which will take the impurity out, and the conditioning dampener, which will add the water to the maize, to make it easy for degerminating, after the degerminator, it can get big maize grits directly and can pack also directly, and the big maize rice can going to the roller mill and plansifter for milling and sifting, after the milling and sifting, can get different size maize grits can do the beer, and different kind of maize meal for making FUFU/Ugali/Unga etc, the germ and the bran can do the animal feed, the germ can do the cooking oil. 

For the maize, all the things have changed to the money, after the milling, just throw the impurity. 

What we supply? It is the who machine that we supply, the maize milling machine include the cleaning machine, milling machine,packing machine, and according the different market, the machine can produce different quality or class maize meal/maize flour 

If you need any news from us, please let me know , best wishes ! please contact with us

ADD:Zanhuang, Shijiazhuang,China


24H MOBILE: +86-13673118218



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