Index >> PRODUCT >> Machine unit Plansifter
Plansifter is one important machine in milling section for the big capacity maize milling machine and wheat flour milling machine.Normally use for the 60t wheat flour mill,100t wheat milling plant,200-500t wheat flour milling and 100t-500t maize flour milling.
Application area:In flour mills for separation of the intermediate grinding products into different fractions
Post sifting of powder and control sifting of finished powder.
Sorting of granular to powdery products like white rice,brewing barley,sunflower seeds,wood flour,rubber powder and so on.
Principle of operation,sifter in the flour mill project,
A centrifugal mass rotates inside the plansifter and generates a rotating lifting movement
Modifications to centrifugal mass will influence the rotating lifting movement and the sifting effect
A relative movement between sieves and product is caused by the rotating lifting movement
Separation of the products is effected by the relative movement between sieves and product and the mesh size of sieves
ADD:Zanhuang, Shijiazhuang,China
24H MOBILE: +86-13673118218