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Why Maize Processing Line Develop So Quickly
As the advantages of maize has gradually aroused people's attention, it also started to compete against with millet and rice, this is mainly due to the reason of maize processing line has developed rapidly. At present, the market sales hundreds of maize processing machinery products.
Maize processing machinery began to develop high performance, high quality automation equipment, according to the requirement of the market and the people’s suggestion on equipment for technological transformation, the renewal of maize processing line laid a foundation.
Initial stage of maize processing line mechanical structure usually form of cyclone structure milling equipment, large scale equipment of flat screen milling steel structure, less material consumption, high quality and great varieties, the production rate can be adjusted which can reach a number of customer requirements.
High performance requirements to improve the efficiency of the maize processing machinery, save electric energy and the energy consumption of the grinding system has day by pressing. Maize processing line is given priority to with steel and iron structure. Therefore, adopting the combination of welding structure is common in the equipment manufacturing, and has drawn the attention of the scientific research design and manufacturer.
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